This is the video for the latest project I was working on. Its a very short clip, an exercise to learn how to integrate cg elements into a live action footage.
I chose to make something like raining octopuses, and then one of them fall just in front of us.
The most fun part of this exercise was to create the octopus and its Rig.
The animation of the tentacles of the octopus was mostly scripted but offcourse you could control it by the rig, alongside a bit of manual animation. So Scripting the movement of the tentacles, and integrating it with the manual rig was quite a bit of fun. I'll soon upload a video of the rig of the octopus as well.
The exercise includes the 3D tracking of the footage, creating CG elements and lighting/rendering them to match the lighting of the footage and then compositing all the elements together to blend in the cg with live action.
I additionally created a 360-degree HDR panorama of the location to be able to recreate lighting and reflections more easily.

I chose to make something like raining octopuses, and then one of them fall just in front of us.
The most fun part of this exercise was to create the octopus and its Rig.
The animation of the tentacles of the octopus was mostly scripted but offcourse you could control it by the rig, alongside a bit of manual animation. So Scripting the movement of the tentacles, and integrating it with the manual rig was quite a bit of fun. I'll soon upload a video of the rig of the octopus as well.
The exercise includes the 3D tracking of the footage, creating CG elements and lighting/rendering them to match the lighting of the footage and then compositing all the elements together to blend in the cg with live action.
I additionally created a 360-degree HDR panorama of the location to be able to recreate lighting and reflections more easily.